Five Simple and Natural Anti Acne Diet Tips for Clear Skin

Posted by Acne Solutions on Saturday, April 23, 2011

The skin is one of the most visible indicators of our body's health. The condition of our skin - be it dry, oily, dull, or gray - betrays the condition that our body is in. It also reveals what kind of food we eat. That is why one of the simplest yet effective natural solutions for acne is to watch what you eat. Here are five simple and natural anti acne diet tips for clearer, more radiant skin:
Anti Acne Diet Tip #1: Hydrate, hydrate, hydrate
Water is needed by every cell in our body - including the skin - to function properly. Water is also needed by the body to get rid of harmful toxins that can cause disease or blemishes. Whenever you're feeling thirsty, pick water over soda or juice. Not only do these drinks pack extra calories, their high sugar content can also worsen acne. Coffee, tea, and alcoholic drinks will also make you lose water more easily, so don't forget to hydrate after a trip to the bar or coffee shop.
Anti Acne Diet Tip #2: Stock Up on Greens and Healthy Veggies
Green leafy vegetables are rich in antioxidants that protect the skin from damage caused by pollution, smoke, and UV rays. Not only do they help protect against premature wrinkles and skin cancer, the antioxidants in leafy greens also help pimple scars heal faster. Besides stocking up on lettuce, spinach, cabbage and broccoli, incorporate other vegetables like carrots, brussel sprouts, pumpkin, and squash in your diet. These are rich in vitamin A, a popular skin vitamin found in a lot of anti-acne creams and gels.
Anti Acne Diet Tip #3: Cut Back on High-Sugar, High-Carb, High-Fat Foods
Several studies have shown how eating food with a high glycemic index (simple carbohydrates like potatoes, white bread, white rice, pastries, chips, and sweets) raises blood insulin levels, which in turn causes the levels of pimple-causing hormones to increase. Some scientists have also postulated how eating a lot of fatty food increases the fatty acids in the blood, which makes the skin to produce more oil and cause acne. Sugary and fatty foods also drive stress levels up, which also makes acne worse. If you're still cynical, just put it this way -cutting back on carbs, fat and sugars will not only help keep your skin healthy, it will also protect you against diabetes, obesity, and heart disease.
Anti Acne Diet Tip #4: Be Berry Fruity
Like your leafy greens, the berry family of fruits (which include strawberries, blueberries, and raspberries) is rich in skin-friendly antioxidants. Other antioxidant-rich fruits include oranges, pineapple, grapefruit and kiwi. Colorful mangoes, papaya, and passionfruit are also rich in acne-fighting vitamin A. Like vegetables, fruits are also high in fiber, which help combat the insulin-spiking (and acne-causing) effects of high glycemic foods.
Anti Acne Diet Tip #5: Supplement What's Lacking
Let's face it - even a simple, natural acne treatment like tweaking your diet can be hard to follow. If you falter in your anti acne diet, you can always supplement it with alternative sources of skin vitamins and nutrients like capsules or pills. There are also other acne home remedies you can follow - just be patient and you'll be on your way to a clearer, healthier, blemish-free you.
Karina Miranda is a writer for, which offers natural clear skin products and a free guide to natural treatments for acne. Visit us today to learn about the benefits of a natural acne treatment. This article may be republished provided that the author's information and all active links are left intact.
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