Treating Acne The Old Fashion Way

Posted by Acne Solutions on Monday, April 25, 2011

Acne is an issue for a lot of people and many find it to be a very embarrassing problem. Teens and adults suffer from the condition but there are some ways to prevent and minimize this issue.
There is no best acne treatment on the market today. However, there are recommendations that can help decrease the chance of getting pimples. Dermatologists recommend that hydration with water is key to wonderful and clear skin. A persons body functions efficiently when it is hydrated. Most people are in a state of dehydration. If a person feels thirsty, then a person is considered dehydrated.
Fitness trainers recommend that a person should consume one half of their body weight in ounces of water to maintain the proper hydration. Eliminate caffiene from the daily diet. Caffiene can cause dehydration. If the body is not working properly then pores get clogged as a body cannot slough off the dead skin cells.
There is no magic acne cream that will get rid of the whole problem. Preventing acne in the first place is the best solution to the problem. Keep your face clean on a daily basis by washing it twice a day. Do not leave makeup on overnight as it can clog the pores as well.
Acne is an issue that does not need to cause any additional stress in your life. Consider some healthy options to create healthy skin. Drink plenty of water to keep the body strong and functioning properly. Keep the face clean. Do not fall for all of the infomercials out there that state they can cure the problem. Consult with a dermatologist who specializes in skin disorders. They may prescribe medications that can help heal your current acne without drying out the skin. They are the experts and if the problem is very troublesome, they would know the best solution for your problem. Acne can be prevented if you take a proactive step in reducing the many items in your life that are causing the problem to begin with.
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