Types of facial scars
There are two types: tissue loss and the underlying skin tissue damage cause one type and the other by skin tissue increasing and causing scars. However, it is possible to remove scarring in both types.
The most common type requiring treatment are those caused by loss of tissue. They resemble chicken pox scars and are normally referred to as ice pick scars. Pigmented scarring is the brown or red marks that stay after the acne blemish has gone. These are most noticeable and require advice, as fading of the scars can take months without acne treatment.
Some individuals find that removal cream for scars prescribed by their physicians keeps the blemishes under control but does not remove the discoloured marks. The second type of scarring, keloid is more common in African-Americans.
Rosacea sufferers also seek removal advice and generally find IPL acne treatment (Intense Pulsed Light) the best, although acne Rosacea laser treatment is also available.
Treatment for scars
Skin fillers are widely used acne as an scarring treatment, as they can elevate and plump up the spots where the skin has sunken, but not all scars are suitable for this and they may cause an allergic reaction.
Acne scars home treatment creams such as Elicina cream and scarring zone acne offer natural healing and reduction, but may not be totally effective as a remover for scars in all cases.
Acne scarring treatment in London clinics offer implants for the correction of scarring, especially if the skin is deeply sunken. Other treatment for acne scars by UK companies include processes that exfoliate and unclog pores, such as alpha hydroxy acids found in glycolic acid, beta hydroxy acids like salicylic acid and microdermabrasion.
Microdermabrasion for removal of acne scarring involves a suction tip gently lifting the skin whilst delicate sterile particles polish and exfoliate to remove dead skin and debris from the superficial layers of the skin, leaving a much smoother texture. This method is not only used as a facial treatment for acne scarring, but also for wrinkles. This type of pitted acne scars treatment is also excellent for hyperpigmentation and the side effects are generally mild lasting only a day.
Some believe the best treatment for acne or keloid scars is laser revision. Laser treatment for acne scarring is divided into ablative, which means to destroy and non-ablative. Ablative treatment for acne scars involve either erbium or carbon dioxide lasers to remove skin. Non-ablative laser treatment is definitely more appealing as it does not destroy tissue and there is practically no downtime, but the degree of improvement varies and is usually less than with more invasive laser treatment of acne.
Whether considering keloid removal, laser treatment or any new acne treatment for scars you should always seek removal advice for acne scars from the person who is treating you and read as much as possible about procedures in books or look up Acne Scar Treatment Information on the internet.