Ayurveda - Using Ayurvedic Treatments for Acne

Posted by Acne Solutions on Monday, November 1, 2010

Acne is the most common problem that affects our skin today. No matter what age you are 15, or 40 acne can affect the appearance of your skin. Acne is caused by sebaceous glands producing excess sebum. Sebum clogs the skin and pores or the hair follicle, which forms acne. Grease, dirt, and harsh chemicals can increase and worsen the appearance of acne. Additionally changes in hormone levels, increased stress, certain medications, and squeezing or popping pimples can exacerbate acne. In Ayurvedic medicine acne is known as Youvana pitikas, which means the eruptions of youth. Most often acne occurs at the height of puberty when hormone levels are in constant change.
Ayurveda states that the two main doshas involved in causing the formation of acne are vata and kapha although blood plays a role as well. An imbalance in one of the three doshas can have an effect on the rest of the body, which can cause acne. When vata becomes imbalanced due to diet changes, or eating unhealthy foods the skin can become irritated and breakout. An imbalance in one dosha can cause aggravation to the other doshas, which in turn could also cause acne. For example if the pitta dosha becomes aggravated the blood controlled by pitta can cause excess secretions in the skin. If Kapha becomes irritated it can create sebaceous plugs within the pores and hair follicles.
To avoid an imbalance between the doshas there are some precautions that can be taken. Avoiding spicy, oily and non-vegetarian diets can aggravate the digestive system therefore irritating the doshas and giving rise to pimples. Eliminate junk food from your diet because although it doesn't cause acne to occur it can make acne worse. Proper excretion and elimination of bowels rids the body of toxins and unwanted fecal matter. Wash your face two times a day with a mild cleanser. And always remember to wash your hands. It is habit for people to touch their face. Every time you touch your face the germs that are on your hands can be transferred to the face and cause acne. Keep your hair off of your face. Like our hands our hair can accumulate dirt and sweat, which can be transferred to the face on contact. Always keep your hair clean and washed. Avoid popping, picking or squeezing pimples. Not only can it cause a worsening appearance, you can actually cause more acne to surface due the spread of bacteria. Drink plenty of water and exercise regularly.
Ayurvedic medicine advocates the use of herbs, essential oils and spices throughout their treatment regiments. Acne and skin care is no exception. Ayurveda believes that cleansing and purifying the blood will help balance the doshas and cure acne. Therefore Ayurvedic practitioners recommend herbs that can cleanse the blood and restore health and beauty to the skin, by removing pimples, rashes or skin diseases. Some of the herbs that Ayurveda recommends for skin and acne problems include Neem, Turmeric, Indian sarsaparilla, sandalwood, Indian madder, Indian gooseberry, and Lodra.
Neem has antibacterial, antifungal and blood purifying properties. It has been proven to be effective at treating skin disorders such as acne, psoriasis and eczema. Neem not only increases macrophages but also boosts lymphocytes to respond to infection, inflammation and bacteria. Neem should be used on the skin externally for the fastest results. Grind tender neem leaves with turmeric until you have a paste like consistency. Apply the paste to the acne. Allow time enough to dry. Then wash off the face.
Haemafine Syrup is an herbal remedy with several different herbs such as Sariva, Karvellak, Manjistha, Nimb patra, Chopchini, Gorakhmundi, Suranjan kadvi, Shinshipa, Bakuchi, Haridra, Syahjeera, Lauh bhasam, Mandura bhasam and Gandhak rasayan. This can be taken to clear the skin of acne while improving the complexion and natural glow.
Fenugreek can be used as an acne treatment due to its anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties. Take fresh methi leaves (Fenugreek leaves) and rinse them. Then grind them until they make a paste. Apply to your face or area of acne. Leave for 10-15 minutes then rinse with warm water. Do this every night to rid your face of acne, pimples and whiteheads.
Take ripe tomato and grind it until it is a pulpy mixture. Apply to your face and allow it to dry, up to 45 minutes. Wash it off. This will reduce redness, soreness and alleviate pimples.
Mix besan flour (gram flour) with rose water to make a paste and apply it to the face. Allow it to dry then wash off with warm water. This will remove the excess oil as well as pull out harmful chemicals, dirt and toxins trapped in pores.
Ayurvedic not only uses herbs as part of its treatment protocols. Ayruvedic medicine maintains the principals of eating a healthy diet, and getting proper amounts of exercise. Therefore it's important to consume fresh fruits and vegetables on a daily basis, between 5-8 servings a day. In addition drinking at least 8-15 glasses of water a day to keep the skin hydrated, healthy and glowing. Make sure to include at least 30 minutes of exercise in your daily routine to keep the mind sharp, the body tone and the spirit relaxed.
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