So with this in mind, you probably understand... that the only way for you to succeed in getting rid of your acne is by trying as many different tips and treatments out for yourself and then see which ones are working wonders for you specifically.
Now that you understand this, I'll let you in on the 18 tips on getting rid of acne which have worked both for me personally and so many others before me.
1. Wash your skin two times per day. But beware, if you wash your skin (especially face) more often than twice a day, your skin will start to dry and producing more oil which will cause you to get more acne. Once when you wake up and once before going to bed is a good rule to follow.
2. Loosen up on your gear (especially sports gear). This important because friction is a very common reason for people getting acne. If you for example use a helmet when you go biking and the straps sit too tight on your skin, then they will start to grind on your face and damage your skin. And this leads to acne.
3. Focus on eating healthy every day. It hasn't yet been scientifically proven that there is a relation between what you eat and how much acne you will get. But still a lot of people have seen a clear connection between how much chocolate or junk food they eat... and how much acne they have. So we are pretty sure there's some connection there, researchers simply haven't been able to prove it. But because so many people have found this connection between diet and acne, I've decided to add this to these tips on getting rid of acne.
4. Remember to drink plenty of water whenever you can. This is because when you drink water, the water cleans up your body from toxins and therefore also your skin. All you actually have to do is drink a few extra glasses of water at every meal and you'll have this step covered.
5. The next thing to do is to get your hands on some Benzoyl Peroxide. The reason why this drug is so effective is actually quite simple. It kills the bacteria called P.acne which is causing the inflammation in your pores. And therefore is very powerful in order for you to get rid of your acne. All you have to do is just apply this to the area of your acne and it will start killing the bacteria in just a few days.
6. Stop stressing about your acne. The more you stress about your acne, the more acne you will be getting. That's just how it is. Because when you stress... your cells start producing hormones like cortisol, which then increases the oil production in your skin, which clogs up your pores... and again you will be getting acne. So relax and simply trust in the fact that this will work on getting rid of your acne and that way you won't stress about it as much anymore.
7. Work out regularly. This is important because working out will help on getting rid of your acne in two different ways. The first is because working out relieves stress and like I just told you, stress gives acne. But the other reason why working out is so powerful is because you sweat. And when you sweat you clean your pores from dirt and dead skin cells which are causing the clogging of your pores just like the oil did.
8. But don't forget to shower after sweating. If you fail to shower after your work out, the following will happen. All the dirt and dead skin cells will remain on the surface of your skin together with salt after the sweat has evaporated. And this is something that you're going to want to avoid. Because if you don't, all that dirt, salt and dead skin cells will get back into your pores and cause them to get clogged again. And that is certainly not going to help you on getting rid of any acne.
9. Get some Salicylic Acid for your skin. This drug is proved to work great on teenagers especially. The reason for this is that teenagers get their acne mostly because of hormones increasing their oil production in their skin. And this drug will fight the production of this oil and cause it to slow down. The only problem with this drug is that it will stop working if you quit using it. But for as long as you apply Salicylic Acid on your skin... it will fight your acne bravely.
10. Have you ever tried birth control pills? These have been proven to work on getting rid of acne somewhat efficiently. You see the FDA has approved 3 different kind of birth control pills for treating acne. And all 3 contain a mix of the hormones estrogen and progestin. The deal with these hormones is that they have been proven to lower the oil production in your skin. And therefore result in less acne. But this is often used as a last resort if no other treatments will work. But I still urge women to try it out if they haven't already tried it.
11. Make sure you makeup isn't causing you acne. There are many different kinds of makeup on the market nowadays. And some of them are causing people acne while some of them don't. Actually there's even a third kind which is supposed to treat your acne on the same time. Though I'm not 100% convinced that this is a good treatment method. But still I suggest you don't wear makeup which is causing you acne. And the way that you can prevent this is by buying makeup labeled: "oil-free" or "noncomedogenic". These should not trigger your acne like other more oily products do.
12. Don't ever sleep while wearing your makeup. Now this tip is probably not so hard to understand. I mean it probably happens every now and then that you fall asleep wearing your makeup, but this is truly something you should avoid if you're seriously looking on getting rid of your acne. Because this happens to be one of the best ways to make sure that you will need more makeup in the morning than what you needed the day before.
13. Whatever you do... don't touch your face or pimples. Our hands touch all kinds of things in our environment every day. Door knobs, the floor, the ground, toilets... all kinds of places where there might be bacteria spreading to your fingers. And when you then touch your face, the bacteria will move from your hands to your face. And you probably understand that this is not good for your skin. And the reason why you shouldn't touch your pimples is simply because you will cause the bacteria to spread from your already blooming acne to pores all around, and this will just cause more breakouts for you.
14. Ask your doctor for antibiotics. This treatment is mostly for people suffering from a very severe case of acne on the back or face. The reason for this is because these antibiotics can be quite strong and are made mostly for treating truly severe acne. But if that's the case for you, I strongly urge you try this method out.
15. Stay away from cigarettes. I don't think I have to explain to you why smoking is bad for your health. I think we all know that. But did you know that the smoke sticks on your skin and causes the clogging of your pores? Well, it does. So if you didn't have enough reasons to quit smoking before... here you have one more for you.
16. Stay away from alcohol. For a lot of people alcohol and acne are very strongly connected. For me at least it is. Every time I drink a beer or two I get breakouts the next morning. And this might be true for you too. So take a look at your skin's condition after having a few drinks the night before and see whether it makes a difference to your appearance.
17. If nothing else works on getting rid of your acne, try Isotretinoin. This is an extremely powerful drug which can be prescribed to you by your doctor. But remember that this is only if you're suffering from severe acne and nothing else really seem to work for you. Because the problem with Isotretinoin is that it might have some truly scary side effects. Like for example a woman might get birth defects if they take this oral medicine while they're pregnant, so be careful. A lot of people also know this drug by the name of a product called Accutane.
18. Another powerful medical treatment for acne is laser treatment. This too is quite powerful and the treatment itself might hurt a little. And also cause some swelling on your skin. But it does not cause any long-term damage on your skin... and it's extremely efficient on getting rid of your acne. I can promise you that.
Alright, so there you have it, the entire list of 18 tips on getting rid of acne. And now all that's left for you to do is try as many of these tips out for yourself and see what really works for you and what doesn't.