Acne is a skin threat not only for young people but for people of all ages. Acne can have many forms such as comdeone, white heads, black heads, pimple, postulates and cysts. these can appear all over the skin, particularly on the areas around the face. Acne can hit the skin area where oil is excessively produced. Treating acne can be done readily either by medical treatment or a simple acne home remedy.
The main cause of acne cannot be directly attributed to just a single factor. it started usually at the puberty stage where adrenalin hormones are produced naturally from the body. the sebum in the pores is sometimes blocked and accumulates beneath the skin giving bacteria a suitable environment to grow, and unfortunately inflammation results.
But here are some factors that can contribute to the development of acne. the first factor is hereditary; you can tell your parents thanks next time you get a huge pimple. Food can also attribute to acne conditions, although there are no proven scientific tests that can directly attest to any food being the main cause of acne. Dirt and sweat cannot really cause acne but it is the main cause why pores are sometimes blocked. Stress is never really suspected as the cause of acne but it may help to elevate its condition. Hormonal changes typically contribute to acne formation. Cosmetics that are water based and has oil content can really clogged skin pores. Other factors also include, pressure, drugs, and other medications that can increase the level of hormones in the body and occupational jobs particularly in industrial are also prone to acne formation.
There are a lot of treatments and remedies that can treat, prevent and cure acne. But the best therapy to do is to unclog the pores, kill bacteria, and minimize oil in the skin to have an acne free skin. with open pores, which are more susceptible to acne, you should clean the skin regularly and moderately. this is a cheapest way to remedy the acne. Regularly exfoliate the skin with mild scrubs and masques that have a peeling agent. this is a good way to remove dead skin cell and open the skin pores to unclog the dirt that get stuck beneath. and taking foods and other supplements that contain retinol is also a great agent for skin peeling. killing the bacteria can be remedied by applying cleanser that contains antibacterial and other lotions and creams that has benzoyl peroxide that also kills bacteria. Excessive oil can be reduced by applying astringent that also contain glycolic acid and sulfur that helps also to get rid of this oil.
Acne can be prevented and remedied but the best thing to do is to change the lifestyle and minimize other factors that can contribute to its production.