Free Home Remedie To Reduce Acne

Posted by Acne Solutions on Saturday, October 30, 2010

1283890824 19 Do you guys have any home remedies to reduce acne?
Free Home Remedie To Reduce Acne. Do you guys have any good home remedies for acne that worked on you if you've had acne before but had reduce because you use that home remedy. hope that made sense if it didn't really make sense im sorry.
Here are some free home remedies to get rid of pimples (acne), blackheads, which are the common problems which surely help you not only remove pimples but also gives you glowing skin
• Apply fresh mint juice over the face every night for the treatment of acne, pimples, insect stings, eczema, scabies, & other skin infections.
• Extract juice of one lemon and mix with equal quantity of rose water. Apply this mixture on the face and let it stay for about half an hour.
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eat blueberries, everyday.
they have been shown to reduce irritation, redness and swelling.
you can purchase a bottle of braggs apple cider vinegar pour some in a lil spray bottle and spray on your face to help clean your skin and clear up your skin as well also stay away fom sodas and drink plenty of water which helps with having clear skin
Eat healthy (fruits and veggies)
Get sleep…
stay clean(was your face as much as you can) with cleanser, soap anything i recommend neutrogena deep clean cleanser- it works
and if ur acne is just like 1-4 pimples then just let them heal on their own but if it is like really bad and severe… just go to a dermatologist or even a physician and ask them for a prescription..
Rubbing Alcohol or Toothpaste! They both like suck up alot of oil from your skin & sort of drys it out.
Rubbing Alcohol works better, but if you don't have that just use toothpaste. (make sure its like the PASTE kind not the gel kind =P )
Basically, eat healthy ! Sleep well and be fit. nothing special.
Use a acne face wash / scrub.
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