A Clear Complexion With Herbal Acne Treatment

Posted by Acne Solutions on Sunday, April 17, 2011

Long before you noticed that spot it started to form. Your battle for a clear complexion is usually fought on the skin surface with creams and lotions from the pharmacy. But if you want a really clear complexion the only way forward is with herbal acne treatment.
Spots are not caused on the skin, what you see is just a symptom of hormonal imbalance and a build up of toxins. Your body can be in a state of hormonal imbalance for a number of reasons; it can be life stage changes, it could be your diet or a medicine you are taking. Equally there may be a number of reasons for a build up of toxins; environmental pollution, a sluggish lymphatic system or slow kidney function. By treating your body holistically your will restore balance allowing your body's hormones to be balanced and your organs to work efficiently and flush out those toxins.
Here are some really simple treatments that will support your body from the inside:
The easiest treatment is probably the most important. Drink more water. Water is needed by every organ and system in your body. It helps your digestion, your brain and from the acne sufferers point of view it is vital for the function of the liver, kidneys and lymphatic system. If you allow your body to get even a little dehydrated you will be less able to remove toxins from the body leading to internal imbalance and spots.Dandelions may be a weed that ruins your lawn but did you know it has been used medicinally all over the world for centuries? Native North Americans used it to treat the kidneys, the liver was treated by Arabic doctors and in Chinese medicine it is used to treat pneumonia and bronchitis. Dandelion root can be taken as a supplement or its root and leaves can be dried and made into a tea by steeping in boiling water. It's diuretic qualities will assist your body in the removal of toxinsTurmeric is an anti-inflammatory that will also kill spot forming bacteria. It is great for treating reddened skin both from within and on the surface.Red clover is useful as it will help to balance your hormone levels. This can help regulate the level of sebum produced by the body. No excess sebum will mean no spots!Yellow Dock Root has been used in traditional medicine to support good liver, bladder and kidney function. As these organs are vital in the process of removing toxins their efficient action will help to avoid the production of acne.
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