There a various methods you can apply which are not detrimental to the skin. Home remedies using herbs and foods can free your skin from acne. These effective ingredients can be easily acquired from your home or from herbal shops near you. Here are some of the acne treatment options you can apply to achieving a smoother and more vibrant skin.
Consuming great quantity of leafy veggies can help rid of acne fast. This is because green vegetables contain vitamins A and B6 which have the ability to resolve hormone imbalance. These two vitamins would also prevent you from acquiring back acne once you get rid of it.
The smell of garlic may be unpleasant, but if you rub it on the areas having acne, you can eliminate this in no time. Garlic is known to be a "magic ingredient" that is good for the body - inside and out - because of its detoxifying properties. This can deal on the acne if you rub it on your skin and prevent it from coming back if you include it on your diet. Rub this on your face in the morning and in the evening, and consume a clove at least thrice a week.
Eating foods rich in zinc can also level of the hormonal imbalance in the body. This element is known to be effective in fixing hormone level - including those that initiate acne production - and treating various infection and inflammation within the body. Zinc controls the testosterone levels in the cheeks area, making them appear clear. This can be found in a number of foods like in various nuts and grains and other vegetables.
Apply grated cucumber on your face. Cucumber has a cooling and soothing effect on the skin and takes out many impurities and oils that can lead to pimple and acne. If you regularly put this on your skin, you will notice that the acne and pimples are fading out. First, shred the cucumber then squeeze out the pulp. Use the pulp as a face pack and apply it on your skin for ten to fifteen minutes. Sure enough, there are effective means to be acne free in 3 days.